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“Night Milk is a study in contrasts. Driving punk and grunge combined with spot-on polished vocals makes this album breathtaking and unique.” -Michael Roeder, Little Village

After kicking around in other bands for years, Amanda Crosby, Sarah Mannix, and Rachel Sauter formed Younger in 2014 as an experiment. What could happen if songs were written as a complete collaboration? Their original aim was to geek out about weird song structures and challenging harmonic intervals without being a real band at all. Inspired by their excellent public school music education and deep love of art rock, they accidentally wrote their first self-titled album. A rhythmically tight, raucous sound had emerged; dressed with three part harmonies.

Night Milk, Younger’s second full length, is unapologetically tough, sly, and complex. The idea for the album came from late night conversations about their tumultuous twenties. These songs tell the collected stories of terrible romances, bad behavior, complicated friendships, self-loathing, and feeling adrift.

Night Milk, an album by Younger on Spotify

Younger is Amanda Crosby (bass/vocals), Sarah Mannix (drums/vocals), and Rachel Sauter (guitar/vocals).

Younger has played with bands such as Black Lips, LA Witch, SQÜRL, Speedy Ortiz, Cloud Nothings, Perfect Pussy, and The Coathangers. 



